Friday, May 1, 2009

5 Unanswered Questions

5 Unanswered Questions

How far east can you go before you're heading west?

How does a Real Estate company sell its office without causing confusion?

Do dentists go to other dentists or do they just do it themselves?

If, in a baseball game, the batter hits a ball splitting it right down the center with half the ball flying out of the park and the other half being caught, what is the final ruling?

If you were to get drunk in a country where the drinking limit is under 21, and went to the states and were still over the limit, could they arrest you for underage drinking even though you did not do the drinking in the states?


Kansas City Moving said...

-I've known dentists who go to other dentists. Ditto doctors, lawyers and psychiatrists.

Daufuskie Island said...

For the last one, I believe the law in the USA is that no one under the age of 21 can be in possession of alcohol. So as long as the person doesn't have any alcoholic beverages unfinished in their possession, I would assume they could not be arrested, although, depending on how much they drink, public drunkenness may be another matter altogether.