Friday, May 1, 2009

Hydroxycut Recall

Hydroxycut Recall

Once one of the most popular diet pills is now being pulled off of shelves everywhere. Government health officials are calling a recall for the pill all over the country.

The FDA is encouraging people to avoid using the product to avoid liver damage.

The product is advertised to be used with "natural ingredients" but clearly several ingredients are not so good for the body. It is more important to have a healthy liver than a flat stomach. Be cautious when using diet pills or when you are taking any type of supplement. Try something that has been around for years and has been approved by the FDA. Many times less is more, and clearly hydroxycut is not going to help anybody.

It accounts for about 90 percent of the market for weight loss supplements, with sales of about 1 million bottles a year.

hydroxycut, hydroxycut side effects, hydroxycut ingredients, hydroxycut fda, fda hydroxycut


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Squeezes every bit of fat i think...

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